Wednesday, October 3, 2012

day three

well, so far my time at dts has been amazing.

i live in a room with 5 other girls. it's SO much more spacious than i thought. and yes, we do have to keep it clean as we have room checks. :) i really love the girls that i am rooming with. we are all pretty different, but everyone is so genuine that i think this is gonna work out well.

we have been doing so much already. today we drove up to estes park and went for a hike. it was crazy! either it was really steep or i'm really out of shape. probably a little of both. it was beautiful though. so many cool rock and trees. i just wanted to snap a million pictures, but i restrained myself! when we got up to the top we just hung out, ate lunch, and prayed a little for the countries our outreaches are going to. here are a few pictures of the sights i saw at estes.

this first week is very much a "bonding and get to know the camp" week. we've had to share a short little testimony and it's been awesome to hear everyone's story. i honestly really like everyone here. we've had a few worship times, and they've been so good. yes we have homework, but no worries. it's not due for another two weeks! you can pray for me though. today has been super tough. i'm struggling and confused about a lot of stuff. i just want to be open to whatever God wants to teach me during this time. but it's hard.

it's only day three, alex. there's so much more in store! i can't wait to share it all with you!

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