Friday, September 28, 2012

and I shall call you... Eagle Rock!

well, I MADE IT! here i sit, in my home for the next five months. a lovely little place in the mountains of colorado, called eagle rock. it's HUGE! there are three main buildings, plus a gym and a prayer chapel. it's quite nice.

the drive was relatively uneventful. we drove two cars because we drove our friends car out to them. (they left their car in washington when they moved to missouri.) one car held mama, hannah, and i. and the other was papa and maddie. books on tape, movies, and sleep made the drive go by pretty quickly. we stopped overnight in utah, and had to jump in the pool even for a few minutes before we went to sleep! a full house marathon was running. BONUS. :) there is one thing that happened on our trip that is most definitely news worthy. we were driving along and didn't really want to stop. however, maddie really wanted cream cheese for her bagel and all the cream cheese was in our car. so what else did we do but try to pass it in moving vehicles?! there we were, driving 75mph, windows down, both maddie and i giggling like crazy. but thanks to my AMAZING athletic abilities, i threw her a couple packages of cream cheese, no problem. i'm sure the old man behind us thought we were crazy, but hey! memories, right? so after another long day of driving, we made it to eagle rock. we're here early, as school doesn't start until monday. somehow we got it ok'd to stay here, and i'm super glad we did! i'm stoked! i can't wait until this place is filled with a bunch of crazy people who love Jesus. we're going to have some incredible times.

yes, i think i'm gonna like it here.

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