Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Beginning

i am not a writer. i have never enjoyed writing. math. i like math. but unfortunately solving an equation online will not let you all know what is going on in my life. so writing it is. i don't promise to be eloquent. i don't promise to have long posts. i don't promise to write often. but i do promise that i will write about what is important to me. if something happens that rocks my world, i will tell you. also, i promise a little humor. now all you have to do is promise to laugh with me. :)

the purpose of this blog is to let everyone know what is going on while i am gone in colorado and beyond. while i could skype each and every one of you and tell the same story over and over, i don't believe i will have time for that and i would just get tired of telling that story after about the second time. so blogging it is.

my last year of high school i found myself with the age old question "what do i want to do with my life?" i was torn between school, work, and doing this crazy thing called ywam. what is it? Youth With A Mission. {or Young Women After Men or Youth Without Any Money} basically a 6 month program where you do 3 months of school and learn how to do practical ministry, and then you go out into the world for 2 months and put it in action! i grew up knowing about ywam. my parents both did one back in the day, and i always thought it would be cool to do one as well. well, it didn't pan out to do one. God was taking me in a different direction. so after two years of it still being in the back of my mind, i was thrilled when God said "yes" and i got accepted! so now i am headed to colorado. i will be near denver. it will be cold. it will be hard. it will be so so so good.

this is the story of my adventures. it's only the beginning. God is good!

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