Sunday, October 21, 2012

is this boot camp?

there we were, all sleeping peacefully in our nice warm beds when all of a sudden an alarm was blaring and lights were flashing! the fire alarm went off in the middle of the night! (ok, so it was really 6:30. but it was dark and felt like the middle of the night!) we all jumped out of bed and scrambled around to put pants or a shirt or shoes or whatever we needed on. the girls were awesome and we all made it to the gym (our meeting place) super quick. it took about 20 minutes of just waiting around in the cold before the fire department came and let us back in the buildings. it turns out a light bulb was sparking and set off the alarm. everyone's ok. but it did feel like we were in some sort of boot camp!

last week was "Father Heart of God" week. our speaker took lots of time letting us soak up who our Father is. it was a good time of learning and experiencing Him more. today we leave for the Acts 1 conference. it's a conference for all the YWAM schools in colorado. we will spend three days together with worship and teaching and lots and lots of fellowship. {p.s. there's also chick-fil-a} it will be a fun time down in colorado springs!
saturday was a very productive day for me. i slept in. got lots of writing that i had to do done. i skyped my parents and a friend. worked on a puzzle. played some volleyball and pool. 

then, as i was wandering around on pinterest i saw this amazing dessert. i showed some guys and they got so excited, one of them bought the ingredients for it when they went out. so a few of us baked! it was so fun. and tasty! basically you take a pan and press chocolate chip cookie dough in the bottom, cover that with oreos, then pour brownie mix on top and bake it. SO SO SO GOOD. here's a picture from the blog i saw it on. they were gone too fast for me to get a picture! 

and then we finished the night off with 3 hours of murder in the dark. usually when i play this game i get accused as the murderer straight away, whether they suspect me or not. so i was really surprised when i was one of the killers the first round, my partner in crime got eliminated the next round, and i kept killing and my name wasn't even mentioned like at all! it was soo good! one time i killed three girls and then i thought two people saw me so i killed them fast too. and i got away with it! it was crazy! but that night was really fun. 

i am genuinely loving my family here. it's such a blessing to be so close to these people. 

and now it's time for lunch. p.s. mom, do you want to mail me a pizza???!! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Lol!!! Ohhh Al! Everything is an adventure with you. :P I love reading how you're doing and everything thats going on there.
    As for murder in the dark, I was also quite surprised when I saw that! :O Well you have only been there a month so I'm sure they'll know soon enough. ;)
    P.s That dessert looks absolutely amaaaazing!! I'm so gonna make that sometime! <3
