Friday, September 28, 2012

and I shall call you... Eagle Rock!

well, I MADE IT! here i sit, in my home for the next five months. a lovely little place in the mountains of colorado, called eagle rock. it's HUGE! there are three main buildings, plus a gym and a prayer chapel. it's quite nice.

the drive was relatively uneventful. we drove two cars because we drove our friends car out to them. (they left their car in washington when they moved to missouri.) one car held mama, hannah, and i. and the other was papa and maddie. books on tape, movies, and sleep made the drive go by pretty quickly. we stopped overnight in utah, and had to jump in the pool even for a few minutes before we went to sleep! a full house marathon was running. BONUS. :) there is one thing that happened on our trip that is most definitely news worthy. we were driving along and didn't really want to stop. however, maddie really wanted cream cheese for her bagel and all the cream cheese was in our car. so what else did we do but try to pass it in moving vehicles?! there we were, driving 75mph, windows down, both maddie and i giggling like crazy. but thanks to my AMAZING athletic abilities, i threw her a couple packages of cream cheese, no problem. i'm sure the old man behind us thought we were crazy, but hey! memories, right? so after another long day of driving, we made it to eagle rock. we're here early, as school doesn't start until monday. somehow we got it ok'd to stay here, and i'm super glad we did! i'm stoked! i can't wait until this place is filled with a bunch of crazy people who love Jesus. we're going to have some incredible times.

yes, i think i'm gonna like it here.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Last Supper

ok, not the LAST last. i'm not dying or anything. but it was my last supper at home for five months! tomorrow i officially embark on this next chapter of my life. we leave at 4am. the drive is about twenty two hours long. so with a stop to sleep in utah, we should be arriving in colorado on thursday night. my stuff is all packed. goodbyes have been said.

i am ready.

will i miss home? yes, probably. it's a little scary going off on my own. (even though it's not really on my own at all) but it is away from my family, my house, my friends, my comfort zone. i teared up when my mom was giving me advice from what she learned from her ywam days. as excited as i am, i will miss my family. my dad's jokes. my mom's hugs. talking movies with zach. helping hannah and maddie pick an outfit for church. the good food. fun family fridays. ya, i'll miss it. but it's not forever, right? right.

and while i am a little sad and sentimental, i am also so anxious to just get on the road! i can't wait to meet new friends, (some that may be friends for life!) be in community with fellow believers, play some epic volleyball. i know God's got something in store for me, and it's going to be incredible.

i would appreciate your prayers for safe travel, and for all other things while i'm there! hasta la pasta!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Beginning

i am not a writer. i have never enjoyed writing. math. i like math. but unfortunately solving an equation online will not let you all know what is going on in my life. so writing it is. i don't promise to be eloquent. i don't promise to have long posts. i don't promise to write often. but i do promise that i will write about what is important to me. if something happens that rocks my world, i will tell you. also, i promise a little humor. now all you have to do is promise to laugh with me. :)

the purpose of this blog is to let everyone know what is going on while i am gone in colorado and beyond. while i could skype each and every one of you and tell the same story over and over, i don't believe i will have time for that and i would just get tired of telling that story after about the second time. so blogging it is.

my last year of high school i found myself with the age old question "what do i want to do with my life?" i was torn between school, work, and doing this crazy thing called ywam. what is it? Youth With A Mission. {or Young Women After Men or Youth Without Any Money} basically a 6 month program where you do 3 months of school and learn how to do practical ministry, and then you go out into the world for 2 months and put it in action! i grew up knowing about ywam. my parents both did one back in the day, and i always thought it would be cool to do one as well. well, it didn't pan out to do one. God was taking me in a different direction. so after two years of it still being in the back of my mind, i was thrilled when God said "yes" and i got accepted! so now i am headed to colorado. i will be near denver. it will be cold. it will be hard. it will be so so so good.

this is the story of my adventures. it's only the beginning. God is good!