Sunday, December 16, 2012

{operation hot cheetos and takis} colombia 2012

tonight is my last night in the united states of america for two months! tomorrow thirteen of my fellow ywam'ers and i are heading to colombia! we will be there for 8 weeks doing all sorts of ministry. we leave monday night at almost midnight (so almost tuesday morning) and will be arriving at our final destination about 11 tuesday night. it will be a very long day of traveling for us, including an eight hours bus ride in colombia! i am so excited to go and see all the crazy things God has for us to do! i just want to leave already!

seriously, i had a whole blog post planned out, and now i can't remember a thing because i am just so excited! i truly can't wait. here are some things you can be praying for:
  • safety for our team
  • flexibility, as we are not sure of all that is going on, especially when we first get there.
  • that our focus would be seeking God's face. if there is anything we want to come back from the trip saying, it's that we encountered God like never before. 
  • that encouragement among the team would reign supreme!
  • for help with the language! a lot of us speak a little spanish, but pray that we would pick it up quickly.
  • for our team leaders, Jenna and Joel, that they would have wisdom and strength! 
  • that God would stretch each one of us on the team!
thanks to all who have supported me with finances and/or prayer. it is so greatly appreciated! i will not have internet access much, but will try to keep everyone updated as much as i can! we will be sending out a weekly update to the ywam base in denver, and they send it to whoever we request. so if you would like to get the update, just let me know! 

alright, COLOMBIA HERE I COME!!!!!! 

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