Wednesday, December 5, 2012

information overload?

twelve days until we leave for outreach! i can't believe that in three weeks i will be in colombia. and even more so, that i will be there for two months!

two weeks ago, our speaker was Donna, who is our "mama" up here at eagle rock. her husband mark is the director of the school, and they are both the sweetest and coolest people ever. she taught on "hearing the voice of God" or more like "discerning the voice of God" because in all reality we hear Him more than we think. we just don't always recognize it's Him. all the information she taught was so good to hear. it was helped me to realize that i am actually hearing God's voice more than i ever thought.

wednesday afternoon started our official thanksgiving break! it was a time where all curfews were lifted. the wii and xbox were brought out. and we feasted on food galore. it was such a fun weekend, doing a lot of nothing and spending quality with those who also stayed up here. we did go black friday shopping. we left at 10:45 on thursday night to hit up the mall that opened at midnight. we didn't get back until 4:30ish. it was a crazy, fun time! watching all the crowds. i love being a part of all the hustle and bustle. the rest of the weekend was so chill. i did miss my family, but i am so grateful to have a family up here at eagle rock that is so loving!

last week was outreach prep week. BEST WEEK EVER. let me tell you what happened over the week. i got married, had three kids, became super greedy, partied hard, and became a marionette like thing. haha crazy week, right? basically we learned dramas and puppets and kid's ministry stuff, like make balloon animals! i'm also in a dance to the song "shackles" which is so much fun. we were divided up into our outreach groups to learn all of these. so it was kind of our first heavy realization that we would all be splitting up soon. but it was great. i am so excited for outreach.

saturday was our big shopping day, where we got a bunch of stuff we need for outreach. we went all over the place! a group of us decided to stay in denver for the parade of lights that was happening that night! so we walked around this huge outdoor mall, and ended up finding a great spot in a parking garage to watch the parade from. guess what? we even saw some colombian dancers in the parade! it was so cool! everyone who was going to colombia was cheering so hard for them! but it was a fun day of just being with friends.

on sunday i went to one of the churches called bridgeway. it was what they called "ywam sunday." one of the staff members spoke and another gave a testimony, and then we had a ministry time where all of us from ywam went up to the front and prayed for anyone who wanted prayer. it was a really sweet time. i was able to pray with 3 people, and then last lady i prayed with was so encouraged by it, and in turned i was encouraged. it was an awesome opportunity to practice for outreach, and also practice hearing God's voice!

monday was our day down the mountain. our small group had a photoshoot! it was so much fun. we shared our photographer with another small group, and one thing we learned about ourselves is that we love to get our picture taken! haha we could have spent three times as much time doing different poses! it was a delightful day of laughter.

this week is the life of Jesus week, taught by all the different staff up here at eagle rock. we actually missed most of class yesterday because the colombia team had to go get our shots for outreach. it was the fastest two shots i've ever had in my life! our nurse lady was a pro! but when we got back, mark rounded all the students that were around (most of the africa team went down a little after us to get their meds) and gave us an assignment. we were to split up into our outreach teams and create a drama or a skit or something about the life of Jesus. we were only given 40ish minutes and the first 15 of those the boys spent goofing off on rollerblades and such! we needed for everyone to be involved, so i mentioned that maybe we should do the story of Jesus' death and resurrection, but to music. so we played with that idea and a few other ones, until one of the guys mentioned the song beloved by tenth avenue north. so it just all came together really fast of a girl who is broken and hurting and Jesus going through His story, all the while doing it for her. it was a genius idea that i got so excited about. well by the time we talked through it we were able to only run through it two times before we had to go present in front of everyone else. BUT IT WAS SO GOOD. seriously, we did amazing. (not to brag) but God totally gave us that drama. i'm hoping we can perfect it and maybe even use it on outreach!!! :)

well, i need to head to class now. thanks to everyone for your prayers and support! i am so blessed. God is good!

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