Thursday, September 5, 2013

it's a college life for me!

on april 1st, 2013, i started classes at oregon state university. being april fools day, i was hoping it was some sort of joke, however it was not. after almost 3 years of being out of school, i was back. back to homework and taking notes, heavy backpacks and long walks from my car to class. i am majoring in computer science and was quite nervous about programming. while, yes i am good with technology and i enjoy learning, i have never programmed in my life. i didn't even know the different programming languages. honestly, i had no idea there was more than one! why doesn't every use the same one? wouldn't it make life so much easier? but i won't get into that.

why computer science, you ask? honestly, i don't know. being the logical person i am, i had a list of qualifications that my major/future career had to have. things like a good job market, able to do full and part time, and something that i am interested in. after much research, computer science it was! what do i want to do with it? who knows. i have some ideas, but really, i don't want to be a career woman. so i'm just taking it one day at a time. we'll just have to see what happens!

so there i am, in a class of about 150, with maybe 10 other females. woof. talk about a man's world! but it's honestly not so bad, and i can always find someone who is willing to help me! it was good to get back into a routine. i've always liked school, well i've been good at school which is about as close to liking it as i think i'll ever get. computer science has been ridiculous, trying to figure all that out. it really IS a whole other language. but i cannot describe the sense of accomplishment that comes with figuring out how to make my program work! and boy, can i do some cool stuff. i can guess a number that you are thinking within 5 guesses. and i know that is going to come in VERY handy in my future. (sarcasm intended)

i took a speech class spring term. i had taken one before, but it didn't count for a computer science degree, so i "got" to take another. actually, i wasn't worried about speech at all. i've always liked to talk. (for one, i'm a girl, and for two, i get it from my dad) i became especially comfortable with sharing my thoughts during my DTS. i was actually excited to maybe share some of my passions and beliefs during my speeches! i did learn one thing, i say "umm" ALL THE TIME. especially when i am not sure on what i am talking about. so i had to learn to correct that, and correct it fast! i was able to talk about my time in colombia, as well as homeschooling. it was cool to share some things that ordinarily don't just jump up in conversation!

i did have to take summer classes. (insert sad face) i was very upset to find that i would have to spend 5 hours a day in class and at least another 3 doing homework! but i got through it. my dad helped me see that it was really only 8 weeks, and that in the scope of like, 8 weeks is really nothing. and one thing is for sure, i learned a lot in that short amount of time! plus, if there was any summer to have to take classes, it would be one where i was recovering from a broken ankle! yes, i did brake my ankle at the end of april, but that's another story for another post.

so now i'm on "summer break" which is a whole six weeks! i plan on living it up, and soaking in every second! classes start again on september 30th, but let's not even talk about that yet...

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